Asparagus, spinach, avocado and squash, are high in a plant version of glutathione that the body converts to replenish its supply.
Biological Benefits
GSH is a triple threat to toxins as it neutralizes free radicals, enhances the immune system and detoxifies the liver , minimizing the risk of chronic disease and promoting longevity.
As an Antioxidant
Glutathione is a water-soluble antioxidant, a detoxifier. Many medical experts and biological scientists claim that glutathione is the most important and effective endogenous antioxidant. It can act as a master healing agent also. As we age the oxidative stress and the damages due to free radical increase to level where body can’t sustain the bad effects of them. So the accumulation of oxidative damages in the cells take place and it leads to aging, and its expressions in the body. So the deterioration in physiological function associated with aging makes the body less immune and more susceptible to diseases and degeneration.
It acts to reconstitute the antioxidant vitamins C and E after they have been oxidized, and therefore plays a determinant role in their function.
On Immune System
It has an important role in supporting body’s immune system. It can be called as the body’s first line of defense against oxidative stress and a number of xenobiotics (exogenous toxins such as benzenes, heavy metals and pesticides) which are constantly attacking our cells and enzymes. It directly acts on the power house of the cell, the mitochondria and protects it from all infections and mutations.
Detoxification of Liver
Even though GSH is found throughout the body, it is more concentrated in the liver. Being the body’s primary organ for detoxification, the liver absorbs the food and liquids supplied to the body . But expelling a toxin isn’t easy. It mainly happens in two phases. In phase one, liver enzymes should convert the toxins into a compound that can be flushed. In phase two, glutathione is used to grab hold of the toxin and escort it out of the body via urine or bile. If there isn’t enough glutathione on hand, the toxins get blocked up and accumulated, leading to damages of the liver.
GSH in Skin care and Whitening
Glutathione helps in skin whitening by reducing the activity of Tyrosinase, which helps in melanin bio synthesis. As the reduced glutathione intervenes the bio synthetic pathway of melanin, it helps in lightening the skin colour.
High levels of glutathione appear to protect against the dangers of:
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Premature aging
- Autoimmune diseases
- Chronic illnesses
Natural ways to increase GSH
- Eat more colorful, fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidant .
- Eat more foods high in cysteine- like eggs, garlic and whey protein
- Limit exposure to toxins
Glutathione Detoxification and Anti-Aging Therapy
Under healthy conditions, and in a healthy environment, our bodies would be able to produce and use plenty of glutathione to meet our daily needs.
Even if we lived in a pristine environment, our bodies would make free radicals,” says Alschuler. In every breath, in each burned calorie, on every muscle stretching, free radicals are released and make the body affected with toxins.
On a long run of life where Stress, fast food and stimulants decline GSH and make the body prematurely aged. Then the introduction of Glutathione into the body is needed to make the life healthier , younger and energetic.
Don’t wait until you’re sick to think about glutathione. High stress levels, certain medications, past infections and a poor diet can be a good indicator of GSH therapy.
Glutathione plays important roles in antioxidant defense, nutrient metabolism, and regulation of cellular events (including gene expression, DNA and protein synthesis, cell proliferation and apoptosis, signal transduction, cytokine production and immune response, and protein glutathionylation.
J Nutr. 2004 Mar;134(3):489-92. Read More